Clinometer (dentist)
SKU: 219950
Adjustable Perspex® shield furnished with several vertical lines and two horizontal lines, for transferring physiognomic esthetic parameters. Once adjusted to the facebow, the horizontal lines can be aligned to match the eyes and the line of the anterior teeth, using the rotary control. The tooth position as determined is represented as an angle, and can be transferred to the articulator in the laboratory to recreate the position of the anterior teeth.
€459.00 excl. sales tax
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Adjustable Perspex® shield furnished with several vertical lines and two horizontal lines, for transferring physiognomic esthetic parameters. Once adjusted to the facebow, the horizontal lines can be aligned to match the eyes and the line of the anterior teeth, using the rotary control. The tooth position as determined is represented as an angle, and can be transferred to the articulator in the laboratory to recreate the position of the anterior teeth.
  • Determines asymmetries and compensates them during set-up
  • Supplies the technician with important esthetic information
  • Helps to prevent remakes, improves function and esthetics
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