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Steamer X3 - Kalk-X Liquid
Steamer X3 - Kalk-X Liquid
descaling agent, Kalk-X
Clean Steamer
Clean Steamer
Hollow cylinder with hinged lid and sieve portion to collect impure small parts (teeth, crowns, etc.). By opening the hinged lid, saturated steam is blown into the object carrier. Addition of dishwashing liquids possible.
Self-locking tweezers with fine-mesh stainless plastic net to fix delicate objects such as ceramic teeth; inlays etc. during cleaning with saturated steam.
Steamer X3
Steamer X3
The Steamer X3 is a high-quality, universal steam cleaner for cleaning small objects such as metal frameworks and dies as well as articulators or instruments. Delivery volume: Mounting template, Instruction for use, Test strips for measuring water hardness, 1 x 250 ml bottle of Kalk-X descaling liquid Power cord, Set of safety cap gaskets (white teflon gasket and silicone gasket)
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